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Dr Ioulia Ossokina, Eindhoven University of Technology, i.v.ossokina@tue.nl

Latest News

23/02/2024 New article with T van Casteren en TA Arentze "Do you listen to your neighbour: the role of block leaders in community-led retrofits" . Click for the ARTICLE in Energy Research and Social Science.

30/01/2024 Together with 100 participants we look back at a successful first workshop Science meets Public housing: The people's aspect of energy transition at Eindhoven University of Technology. Click for POST RELEASE and MATERIALS WORKSHOP .

01/11/2023 I will be giving a WORKSHOP "Measuring preferences, support and behaviour in neighbourhoods" at NPLW Congress Regional Energy and Local Heat.

23/06/2023 INVITED TALK "The people's aspect of energy transition in buildings." at EIRES Eindhoven Institute for Renewable Energy Systems.

30/03/2023 KEY NOTE at the Study Afternoon 'Energy transition in real estate' of VOGON the Dutch Association for Real Estate Research.

30/12/2022 SHORT VIDEO about the project BEL (Behaviour, Energy transition, Low income). "First results show large differences in the effects of energy retrofits in buildings..."

20/10/2022 INTERVIEW to BPD Magazine (Dutch) Seniors are willing to move if you know their trade-offs.

18/10/2022 ARTICLE Do Highway widenings reduce congestion? published in Journal of Economic Geography. We document that time savings due to widenings cover 40% of the investment costs already in the first 6 years after opening. Joint with Jos van Ommeren and Henk van Mourik.

12/10/2022 Together with Julia Kaltenegger, Diane Nelissen, Pieter Pauwels I gave a workshop on Simple web-based tools to co-create and find best home energy renovations for local communities. To the conference

18/07/2022 ARTICLE on 3D dynamic visualization to measure public space preferences has been published in Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. Joint with Yuwen Zhao, Pauline van den Berg and Theo Arentze.

23/06/2022 Taanis Karigar successfully defended his Engineering Doctorate with A web-based co-creative space to support energy transition in social housing sector (collaboration of TU Eindhoven and housing association Woonbedrijf).

See two short films about the project of Taanis: FILM1 (3 min) about the game-of-choice. and FILM2 (4 min) about the digital behavioural twin platform.

16/09/2021 Invited contribution at Seneca congress for higher management in the care and cure sector. Bringing together living and care. To the slides To the congress

14/09/2021 Speaker at the webinar Data about Living and Care (organised by Platform Zorgsaam Wonen). To the slides To the webinar

23/08/2021 Article published in Energy Economics. Does information encourage or discourage tenants to accept energy retrofitting of homes? To the English article To the Dutch version

19/01/2021 Key-note + round table "Seniors in the spotlight", at Real Estate Symposium Futureproof, with architects bureau Blauwhoed. To the announcement. To the video. To the slides.

10/11/2020 Talk + round table at webinar "Why engineers should care about economics", for Studium Generale of the TU Eindhoven. To the announcement. To the video. To the slides.

30/10/2020 New article (in Dutch) "Using big data to develop best senior living concepts", published by pension network Netspar. To the article. To the English summary.

01/06/2020 Three junior researchers joined our research program on "Residential energy choices, economic behaviour and digital tools", supported by grants of NWO, RVO. A warm welcome to Tije van Casteren, Taanis Karigar, Vincent Roberdel.

25/05/2020 See my webinar "Using big data to create best living concepts for elderly" (in Dutch), for the pension network Netspar . Video. Slides.

30/01/2020 Our research on "Helping low-income families with energy transition" got a grant from NWO. See the press-release.

09/01/2020 Our research on Predicting the effects of digital environments on people's renewable energy choices got a grant from RVO. This is a joint project of TU/e, several online platforms and the municipality of Eindhoven.

30/12/2019 New article (in Dutch) "Energy transition in rented dwellings: role of information and communication", in Real Estate Research Quarterly To the article To the project

05/11/2019 New article "Best living concepts for the elderly" (joint with architects from TU Delft), in J of Housing and Built Environment To the article To the project

17/10/2019 Our team (TU Eindhoven + TU Delft) won a grant on Public spaces design for happy senior living.

22/09/2019 I joined the Regional advisory committee for retail trade of the Metropolitan region Eindhoven.

17/05/2019 Keynote speaker workshop for Dutch local authorities "Collaboration in real estate" (Deventer). To the slides. To the workshop.

08/04/2019 Speaker China Round table on Green Urbanization and Environmental Improvement (at PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency). To the slides

10/03/2019 Published article "Spatial and welfare effects of automated driving: will cities grow, decline or both", Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. To the project To the article

22/11/2018 Keynote speaker workshop for Irish local authorities "Managing historic towns along the Atlantic Economic Corridor" (Ballina, Ireland). To the slides. To the workshop.

10/11/2018 Published article (in Dutch). "Zelfrijdend vervoer leidt tot trek naar de Randstad en meer welvaart", Economisch-Statistische Berichten 103: 501-506. To the article. To the project.

10/09/2018 Speaker workshop "Retail vacancy and transformation: insights from Retailagenda" at the congress of 12 Dutch provinces (IPO) "Revitalisation of the real estate". To workshop slides.To the congress.

14/07/2018 Grant received for the project "Residential preferences of the elderly: impact of the need for care and family proximity". Grant from Netspar (Network for studies on ageing), supported by Ministry of Health.

26/06/2018 New discussion paper "Best living concepts for the elderly: combining a stated choice experiment with an architectural design." To the document To the project

29/05/2018 New report in Dutch "Are there signs of polarization in the city and social housing sector Eindhoven?" Commissioned by Woonbedrijf, the largest housing association in Eindhoven. To the report

16/05/2018 Speaker Event Eurocommerce "Innovating in retail to keep cities vibrant" To the slides To the event

22/04/2018 VOX EU Column "Residential sorting enhances the return on transport infrastructure" To the column To the project

26/03/2018 Co-organizer and speaker symposium "Happy senior living: housing and care for elderly" To the symposium To the project

08/03/2018 Co-organizer and speaker Policy Seminar "Transport innovations and the long-term spatial policy" (Ministry of the Interior & Ministry of Transport) To the seminar To the project